








Síminn公司首席执行官Orri Hauksson此前称该合作项目将以最惠价格给顾客提供最新的技术和设备。




Síminn公司创新项目部部长Guðjón Leifsson表示“Telefónica公司独自经营其合作大学,这彰显了该公司的雄厚实力现在SíminnTelefónica公司保持着良好合作关系将享受到合作带来的好处——源源不断的知识储备和丰厚经验


Telefónica公司是电信产业和创新产业的领跑者。该公司能实施如所有市场中的物联网,大数据和网络安全等数字化服务,特别是在英国,德国和西班牙,对此我们感到十分钦佩。 Síminn正在研发很多Telefónica公司早已推出的产品,因此我们可预见到我司将很快能从中获利。”


Telefónica公司全球产业合作部部长Mario Martín:“我们很高兴能与Síminn公司冰岛分公司合作此次合作巩固我们的项目这让我们能一并抓住数字化转型带来的机遇。我们理应相信这项协议将给我们带来丰厚的利益”。


Telefónica and Síminn enter into partnership covering procurement, roaming and services


Telefónica and Síminn have signed a partnership agreement which will include a wide range of business areas such as procurement, roaming, digital products and multinational services.


Telefónica and Síminn (Iceland Telecom) have signed a partnership agreement with a wide remit. The partnership is supported by the Telefónica Partners Program, which includes other operators in Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa.


Orri Hauksson, CEO of Síminn, said the partnership would offer customers the latest technology and equipment at the best price.


Hauksson said: “We have been placing greater emphasis on innovation within Síminn, and by 2020 we intend for 25% of our revenues to be generated from new products. It is an ambitious goal but necessary in a fast-changing telecommunications market. The partnership with Telefónica is a milestone towards this goal,” he said: “It strengthens Síminn to have Telefónica by its side.”


Guðjón Leifsson, head of innovation, Síminn said: “Telefónica operates its corporate University which alone shows the strength of the company. Now Síminn has good access to it and will enjoy the benefit of increased knowledge and experience as a result.”


“Telefónica is a front runner, both in telecommunications and innovation. We admire how they are implementing Digital Services such as IoT, big data and cybersecurity in all their markets, particularly in the UK, Germany, Spain and Brazil. Much of what Telefónica has already launched is being developed at Síminn. Therefore, we see immediate benefits of the partnership.”


Mario Martín, global head of Industrial Partnerships of Telefónica, said: “We are very pleased with the alliance with Síminn, in Iceland. This Partnership will reinforce our program as a way to jointly capture the opportunities digital transformation offers us. We are confident that this agreement will bring important benefits to both our Groups”.


二、虚商Mobile Vikings已停止收取漫游费




虚商Mobile Vikings已不再向用户收取漫游费,这欧盟新规中规定的截止日期早了整整一个月。此举将给后付费及预付费用户带来影响。


Mobile Vikings stops charging roaming fees


MVNO Mobile Vikings has stopped charging roaming fees, one month earlier than the European Union deadline. The move will affect both postpaid as well as prepaid customers.






意大利虚商PosteMobile宣布推出其首个车队管理服务并配套简单,可靠,实惠车辆追踪卫星导航运营商推出“PM Connette Flotta服务针对小型,中型和大型全部规模的车队,让企业客户只需通过新型平台就能实时追踪车辆,且该平台适用于车内特殊物联网设配相连接的个人电脑、平板电脑及智能手机。客户可在1231日前享受此服务,该服务促销价每月20欧元起。


PosteMobile launches first fleet management offer


Italian MVNO PosteMobile announced the launch of its first fleet management service with an offering promising simple, reliable and affordable satellite tracking of company vehicles. The operator's 'PM Connette Flotta' service is aimed at small, medium and large fleets, allowing business customers to track vehicles in real time via an innovative platform for PCs, tablets or smartphones connected to special IoT devices installed on individual vehicles. Plans are available at promotional rates starting at EUR 20 a month until 31 December.

美国虚商企业US Mobile将进军互联网设备市场
美国虚商企业US Mobile将进军互联网设备…


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